CGE Services and Solutions
Global Consulting Services

Services and Solutions
Global Consulting Services

CGE Services is a corporation comprised of personnel with a wide range of experience in environmental operations. CGE Services is dedicated to handling and reducing waste material generated by any and all operations associated with waste producing activities. With CGE’s extensive experience we are able to present ideas that help to ensure green operations free of environmental damages and thus reducing cost to save the customer time and money.
Our Vission and Mission

The long term goal at CGE is to become recognized as a global leaders of advanced environmental solutions and services in the energy industry.
Provide environmental solutions expterise and experience while combining safe and innovative processes to achieve high quality results while saving the client time and money.
What we do

CGE provides high quality services for energy undustries helping to clean environmentally controlled areas in a safe, efficent and productive atmosphere. CGE's main focus is delivering customers environmental solutions such as waste management and minimization. Other global focus includes drilling and geothermal solids control, dewatering, fluid reclaimation and other various industry related jobe necessesities in a safe, productive and cost efficent manner.